(pic from www.monarch.co.uk, I do not know these people, but I'll leave it up to you to decide on PILF category!)
Like the cabin crew, pilots come in different breeds too, and like an all you can eat buffet, there is something here to please everyone but don't be greedy and have 'em all!!!
Otherwise known as the cadets. These young scamps are straight out of flight school, usually early 20s and never mind earning their pilot stripes, these guys need to earn their stripes in 'experience with women'! Some of these are even virgins just waiting to be corrupted after years with their heads in their books. I guess there are some things they don't teach you at flight school.... They are usually easy prey for the old cougar cabin crew, who just bin them off after a 'Mrs Robinson' night of passion in a fleapit Travelodge. Traits of the Shy Virgin include a uniform too big for them, bright red cheeks (no, not the arse! That is after the Cougar has her way!) and the tendency to spill coffee all over the centre console, thus grounding the plane.
Back in the early Noughties, British airlines had a flood of immigration from mainland Europe. UK airlines were recruiting like wildfire, while a few Euro airlines had gone bust. UK was short of skilled pilots, so needless to say this pool of talent (in more ways than one!) ended up flying for UK airlines. The girls and gays loved this Eurovision Snog Contest and earned their stripes 'flying' these continental studs. Whether it was Dutch delights, Swedish sausage or a French fancy, hosties were sure to find a foreign PILF to float their boat. Tall, blond and with a certain charm, these men could charm the panties off the cabin crew- sometimes during the flight! Eurostud is fit and he knows it, but back home in Holland/ France/ Scandinavia, he is Mr Average, so uses his time in England to be a fanny rat. However, go on Eurostud's Facebook page and discover a wealth of family portraits, yes, he usually has a wife and family! Even more worrying is that once Eurostud is out of his stripes, he usually sports a manbag and in hotter climes, budgie smugglers!
The classic aviator. 50s, a silver fox, years of flying experience and usually called Nigel, this is a proper old-school PILF. A classy gentleman who provides stimulating conversation and is the thinking woman's eye candy, the Gentleman is wise to the crafty gameplaying of flight deck floozies. This PILF is a keeper!
(American friends, Fanny isn't an ass in England!)
The Fanny Rat is your dirty player and uses his status to get pussy, to put it bluntly. Fanny Rats are like your average rodent- a bit mousy, sometimes deceptively ugly and out of uniform, you probably would scream if it approached you. Fanny Rat plays up his mediocre looks by using them as a tool for women to feel sorry for him, a bit like some men pretending they are gay to get women to turn them. He might complain about his moobs and portly belly, a cue for desperate hosties to say 'Oh darling, I like you just the way you are'.On nightstops, he might even wheel out the old chestnut like 'my wife doesn't understand me', 'I've been impotent since my missus left' and other greatest hits of philanderers. Call in Rentokil for this stinking rodent!!!
A pilot should be beating off ladies with a shitty stick, right? Not this poor chappy. This PILF can't actually attract any ladies! Like a scruffy pigeon puffing its throat regions up to get a mate, this sorry specimen goes on about his car or his new gadgets in a desperate attempt to pull. Usually late 40s, poor dress sense and lives in the type of house which probably has a million quid stuffed in the mattress yet needs decorating, he has missed the boat of hot babes and this could be down to two things. Either he was more interested in plane bodies than ladies' bodies, or he was a Fanny Rat in his younger day and word has got around that he is a jerk-off. However, this poor dude is often the victim of vicious flight deck floozies who often resemble Shrek, which brings me on to my next blog post!
So girls, that's your first lesson on PILFs!
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